Rose quartz is found in masses, druses, granular structures, grains, veins, and quite rarely, as lovely crystal structures. The color ranges from soft pink to golden white.
It emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all of the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self love. It provides the message that there is no need for haste in any situation, bringing calmness and clarity to the emotions and restoring the mind to harmony after chaotic or crisis situations.
Rose quartz is especially helpful at the locations of the heart and the crown chakras. The energy is soft and silky, producing a gentleness from without and from within the user. It has been known as a stone of gentle love, bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships. It promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music, and the written word, enlivening imagination, and representing a young, warm love.
It can be used for spiritual attunement to the energy of love.
It provides for balancing of yin yang energy and can attune each chakra to, and provide each chakra with, the proper frequency of energy vibration.
This mineral is quite effective in the treatment of conditions relating to the emotional body, balancing the love emotions of the upper four chakras, heart, throat, brow and crown chakras. Rose quartz can act as a rejuvenating agent for both the physical body and the emotions. It is an excellent energy for healing emotional wounds.
Actual crystals are very rare, and quite small, usually in small clusters. The rose quartz crystals combine the qualities of rose quartz with all of the qualities of the quartz crystal, truly producing a wonderful powerful loving energy. They also instill a permanence to ones loving nature. Placement of the crystal in ones environment, using the energies in an elixir, and wearing and/or carrying the crystal all stimulate the true life force-love.
The rose quartz chevron configuration synthesizes the qualities of the rose quartz and the chevron amethyst.
The rose quartz elestial configuration combines the qualities of the rose quartz and the elestial.
Rose quartz can be used to clear fluids in the cells of the body and to promote the release of impurities. It can be used to enable the opening of the heart center, allowing for the dissolution of stress and tension. It has been used in the treatment of vertigo. It provides for help in the diminishment of disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It can be used as an elixir to clear the skin and is said to reduce wrinkles and to provide the wearer/carrier with a soft complexion. Placed upon the heart chakra, it can diminish pain and can stimulate the proper functioning of the heart. Placed upon the area of the thymus, it has decreased coughs and soothed the bronchial and lungs areas of the body. It has also been used to diminish burns and to relieve and vanquish blistering due to heat.
Vibrates to the number 7
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