Carnelian is a form of chalcedony and usually occurs in the uniform colour of red, orange, or red-brown. In addition to the properties in the AGATE and Chalcedony, the following are applicable.
This mineral stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. It provides for perceptiveness to situations and awakens ones inherent talents and adroitness. It is also used to produce inspiration from, and connectedness with the spiritual worlds.
It protects against envy, fear, and rage and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure.
It further assists in providing for awareness of the association between the emotional state and the inner condition of the self.
It provides an energy conducive to the stabilization of energy in the home. It provides also a strong, yet tender energy when used in the mode of retreat. The message of carnelian is that since one is love, there is nothing to do but to offer the love. Each offering of love bringing an exponential increase in the quantity of love returned. Pink carnelian especially can encourage love between parents and children and between parents and parents.
Carnelian stimulates inquisitiveness and subsequent initiative.
It can be used to dispel apathy, indolence and passivity.
The energy of carnelian is favorable with respect to cleansing negativity from other stones. When directed, it provides for a celaring actions while directing any negative energy, which is within the area, towards the light of transmutation.
Carnelian is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest.
It can assist one in drama and in pursuits related to theatrical presentations.
It is useful in work on the first, second, third and fourth chakras and can help to increase physical energy, personal power, creativity and compassion.
In addition the utilization of carnelian and kammererite together has been used to facilitate connection between the physical self and the higher self.
Using Carnelian with chlorite and ruby crystals has been used to eliminate psychic attack and to assist earth bound spirits to leave an area. Gridding of these three minerals can protect ones environment from the return of negative energies.
It can be used in the treatment of neuralgia, gall stones, kidney stones, pollen allergies, and colds. It can also be useful to aid in the amelioration of disorders of the spine, spleen, and pancreas. It has been used as an elixir to help heal cuts and abrasions.
Vibrates to the numbers 5 and 6.
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