Labradorite is a type of feldspar which crystallizes in the form of masses, grains, and tabular crystals. The colour range includes white, yellow and grey. Often a display of spectral colours due to the interference of light rays from the plate-like composition, causes labradorite to flame with broad patches of peacock blue, coppery red, or dusky gold labradorescence.
In addition to the properties listed in the feldspar section of this book, this mineral protects ones aura, and helps to keep the aura clear, balanced, protected and free from energy leaks. It assists in the alignment of the subtle bodies, enhancing the connection between the physical and ethereal realms.
It is said to represent the temple of the stars, assisting one in sustaining and maintaining, while providing for the understanding of the destiny one has chosen.
It brings the light of the other planetary beings to the soul of the user. The labradorescence is a luminescence, derived from extra terrestrial origin, which is enclosed in the mineral to bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to the earth plane.
The energy of labradorite facilitates the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought such that one can implement the instructions provided. It assists one to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance. It has been known as the matriarch of the subconscious mind, providing instructive sessions to the user concerning the implementation of inner messages and the utilization of same in the physical domain. It can help to provide clarity to the inner sight, instilling a passionless peace of imperturbability via the annihilation of disturbing thoughts.
It also symbolizes the moon and helps one to advance, without constraint, through the cycles of progression, heralding the arrival of ascension. It also symbolizes the sun, providing for vitality and for a sense of “self” during transitions, and promoting refinement of action and discernment in direction.
It unites the personal self with the understanding required to both realize and achieve the destiny of this life, relieving insecurity and apprehension, while enhancing faith and reliance in oneself and the absolute purity of the universal harmony.
It assists one in eliminating aspects of familiarity which obscures thoughts and blurs instinct, helping one with originality and precision, and bringing uniqueness without judgment to ones contemplative patterns.
It helps one to reflect and to facilitate transformations which are beneficial. It also enhances patience and an inner knowing of “the right time”
It allows for recognition that humanity represents the “being of light”, transcending the limitations of the past and the thoughts of the future, and embracing the infinite possibilities of the moment. It helps one to both “be” and to proceed with the assurance that the light is always there, surrounding and pure.
Labradorite brings the commencement of recognition of ones inherent analytical and rational abilities. It further promotes the synthesis of intellectual thought with the intuitive, mystical, and psychic wisdom.
It assists in inspiring one to introduce the teachings of other worlds to this world or love and light, bringing assimilation and illumination to further the advancement of humanity.
It can be used during radionic analysis. Holding a sample and placing a sample on the witness or using a pendulum of this stone, the energy of the stone interferes with the energy of the user and points to the problems involved.
It has been used in the treatment of disorder of the brain to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce anxiety and stress. It can assist in digestion, regulation, and metabolism. It has also been used to clarify the eyes.
Vibrates to the number 6 and 7.
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