Cholorite is the designation for a group of minerals. The minerals of the chlorite collections which includes CLINOCHLORE, DIABANTITE, DAPHNITE, KAMMERERITE, and PENNINITE.
These minerals, in addition to the other chlorite minerals also posses the following qualities.
Chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones. Worn, carried, placed within ones environment, or sued as an elixir, the properties of chlorite are overwhelmingly positive.
It brings the energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates ones personal affinity with “all”. It is a purifier and is quite useful for cleansing the aura, the chakras, and the energy meridians.
It attacks anger, hostility, and exasperation, and dissipates the dissenting energy.
Forms of chlorite have been used with amethyst to remove unwanted energy implants. The presence of chlorite and amethyst within ones energy field has also successfully protect against both energy implants and psychic attack.
There is also a type of chlorite which is now available from Russian named Serefina and derivatives of same. It has been used to enhance circulation, both of energy and of the blood. Used as an elixir, it has relieved “chills” and has also used as an antihistamine. During the meditative state, it has produced celestial contact with the highest order of angels, with information imparted which was extremely relevant and of vast importance to the users. Used at the crown chakra, it has aligned the chakras and has bestowed a centering effect. At the heart chakra, it seems to clean the area and to promote protection and love concurrently. It assists one in seeing and in understanding the stages of ones life and acts to provide insight to change required to promote peace and happiness within ones life.
The employment of chlorite with carnelian and ruby crystals has been used to eliminate psychic attack and to assist earth bound spirits to leave the area. Gridding of these three minerals can protect one and ones environment from the return of negative energies.
Chlorite can be used to increase the assimilation of vitamins A and E, calcium, iron, and magnesium. It has also been used to eliminate toxins from the body, to stimulate the production of beneficial bacteria within the body, and to act as an anesthetic during times of pain. It can also be used to remove growths from the outer layers of the skin and to diminish the appearance of “liver spots”
Vibrates to the number 9 for chlorite and serefina vibrates to the number 5.
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