Electric blue sheen obsidian, a black obsidian containing a radiance of electric blue, ranging from a powder blue(sometimes with a powder pink) to deep indigo blue. It is an excellent stone for “gazing” and for “journeying”. It has also been applied extensively in many of the lay-outs.
Used alone, it further assists one in accessing the bases of any difficulties which one is experiencing. It emits an energy conducive to balance the energy fields (personal and those with which one experiences contact) and to assist in the suspension of actions which are ineffectual and/or unavailing.
In “gazing” activities, it has been applied to the shamanic and the healing arts, providing for the recognition of the areas within the emotional, physical, and/or intellectual bodies which are creating dysfunctional events/conditions. It further acts to cleanse the mind of contrary and dissenting thoughts of the self and of others, assisting in the promotion of patience and tolerance.
“Electric blue”, configured into spherical formations has served to enhance the activities of “gazing” and “journeying”. The energy transfer, being simultaneously in all directions, has easily facilitated the trance state, and has enhanced all activities associated with psychic communication, astral travel, future-telling, and past life ascension. It has also promoted a direct access to communication with those of other planetary realms, providing for a direct link to those which whom one needs contact.
It is an excellent third-eye stone, stimulating visionary experiences and providing for the activation and energizing of the third-eye chakra. It assists one in traveling deeply within the inner being and in maintaining the depth while integrating the myriad of visual images which are made available. It assists the energy from the third-eye to be transported throughout the body, producing an intuitive understanding of the complete cellular structure.
“Electric blue” stimulates intuitions and enhances awareness. It provides for freedom in accessing pre-determined sites during astral travel and assists one in both lucid dreaming and dream recall. It is an excellent grounding stone(when consciously applied to that purpose). It ahs also been applied to the amplification of the auric field, and, via testing with kirlian photography, has been shown to increase the range and to both intensify and brighten the energies.
It can be used in the application of radionic techniques, enhancing the attunement of the radionics operator and the subject, and enabling the user to more easily recognize the response.
Used as a pendulum, during diagnostic research, the energy of the mineral acts to interfere with the energy of the user and indicates the areas which are involved, as well as the problems which are implicated (the recognition of the problems is usually expedient).
At this time, spherical configurations have been used primarily in all applications. The smaller pieces of the mineral, when fashioned for the third eye and additional chakra locations, also work quite well. Jewelry has also been created which includes the “electric Blue”. Wearing the mineral assists one in maintaining a protective field which not only shields one from negativity, but also transforms any negativity to either a positive “thing or to that which both meaningless and harmless.
The mineral is of immense benefit in furthering the receptivity of the subject during healing exercise.
It has been used in the treatment of disorders of spinal alignment and to ameliorate the arrangement of impaired vertebrae. It has been used in the treatment of circulatory disorders, to disseminate and disperse growths, to ameliorate toxicity, to enhance and strengthen the structure of the veins, and to allay spasmatic conditions.
It can also be used to improve the eyesight. An elixir, taken internally is recommended for this application. “electric blue” is currently being applied to deficient immune systems and dysfunctional cellular structures. Additional applications are currently in the experimental stages.
Vibrates to the number 7.
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