Tuesday, July 3, 2007




Gold sheen obsidian is also used for “gazing” and acts to provide information concerning the “root” of the problems or situation. The energy seems to pierce the outer layer of a problem, allowing for the heart of the problem to become evident.

This mineral also assists in producing a definition of the bases for ones path of action. It is an excellent vehicle for “gazing”, usually used by those advanced in the shamanic and healing arts.

Gold sheen obsidian allows one to attain communion with the source of all being.

It emits an energy to prompt one to allow beauty to come forth from the inner being as one travels in and through the world of experiences accessed via the sheen.

The energy can further be used to balance the energy fields and to assist one in the elimination of ego conflicts and feelings of futility.

Gold Sheen Obsidian also reflects that which is needed in ones life. It does not give that which is needed but, instead, provides insight to the avenues available which could bring fruition to those needs.

Vibrates to the number 9.



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