Tuesday, July 3, 2007




Onyx is a type of chalcedony which occurs usually, in the form of layers of a variety of colours. The predominant colours include black, black and white, red and white, orange-brown/honey, and white, etc. it is often carved to produce cameos.

In addition to the properties of chalcedony, the following applies.

This mineral is an excellent stone for initiating the modes of centering and alignment of the total person with the higher powers. It can be used to banish grief, to enhance self control, to stimulate the power of wise decision making and to encourage happiness and good fortune. It helps one to absorb from the universe, those energies which are needed.

It can be used to cleanse the intuitive receivers such that one may feel the connection to the whole while continuing to be aware of the many opportunities available for use of intuitive guidance.

It also furthers the quality of sentience of the instincts helping one to both see and feel the guidance.

Onyx can also help one to see the duality of ones nature and to synthesize the yin and yang into the whole. It can be used to provide glimpses of that which lies beyond, while providing for activation of the memory with respect to ones “roots”



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