Saturday, October 4, 2008

Botryoidal Black Agate



Botryoidal black agate displays a nodular configuration which presents, when polished, both tubular/orbicular configuration and plumes.

This mineral can be used to enhance communication on the physical plane and to strengthen the connection with the other worlds and with beings in those worlds.

It can also be used to alleviate distractions and to provide for intensified concentration. It can enable one to predict future events and can be used to enhance the abilities of a divining rod. It can facilitate clairaudient experiences and may be used to grid on area to enhance the energy to welcome spaceship landings.

It is a stone for peace and healing, allowing one to go to the centre of the earth to the center of ones being, and/or to the center of any stress or conflict in order to initiate the self healing properties of the energy of perfection.

It provides for grounding and centering, promoting an energy which facilitates entry to both the "heart space " and the meditative state. It assists one in maintaining the connection with the ethereal meridians and further helps to both relieve and remove energy blockages within the emotional and physical bodies.

It is a stone which can be used for the healing of the earth, helping with the dissipation of negativity and with the instilling of the "positive" within the hearts of humanity.

It can also be used in the treatment of disorders of the intestines, alimentary canal, veins, ears, nose, and throat. It has been used to dissipate pain on all levels.

Vibrates to the number 4.



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