It can be used to stimulate the exploration of the unknown and to further ones quest towards the enlightened state. It enhances creativity and helps one to release the emotional naunces which have been repressed. It also allows one to look toward the solution, rather than dwell on the problem.
It stimulates the crown chakras and energize the auric body, encouraging eternal love and allowing for the recognition that eternal love is a constant in the ever changing universe. It also encourages conscientiousness and vigilance in tasks and helps one to maintain an ever present watchfulness during the activities requir4ing circumspection. deliberation, and/or vigilance.
It helps one to maintain a forthright character and to sustain an attentiveness to detail which further facilitates the sensitivity to and the recognition and the understanding of, the complete picture (regardless of distortion).
Botswana agate can be used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system and to help rid the body of toxins. It is said to counteract poisoning on the physical, emotional, and intellectual planes. It can also be used to ameliorate depression and stress.
Vibrates to the number 3.
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